Friday, January 2, 2009

My new phase of life long never pen my blog liao...hmm..i think i am getting lazy..haha...finally i have converted to full time tutoring...YES...i gave up a high position job just to lead a stress-free lifestyle...after going thru so much...nothing matters more than health...luckily i am able to do so with my hubby's support..hehe...and now being a part time tai tai cum tutor...i finally have time to take a hobby which i longed to learn...DOG GROOMING...yeah!! Hubby is very supportive by enquiring the schools and signing up for me..with a mini schnauzer and husky at home now...i would be able to save money by grooming my own the way...we will be introducing another new member (Golden Retreiver) to our family in a year time...*so happy* and hubby are dogs lover!! Another good news is i am now preparing for my wedding...though lazy..but still have to do it...have already shortlisted the bridal shops and only pending for my decision...errr....i am still contemplating...but have to confirm everything ASAP as i need the gowns for my overseas photoshoot at Australia in is really no joke man!! So tiring...

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